Levitation of a Rock and of Miriam Vivus 36:51-66
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2022-03-27 03:31:50 UTC
Levitation of a Rock and of Miriam
Vivus 36:51-66
(Comment: There are no actual Words of Power recorded here,
but both Yeshua and Miriam used them in this instance. However, it
was forbidden to record them in writing. They are only allowed to be
passed down by word of mouth from one Adept to another.)
51 Taking up a fist-size rock, Yeshua threw it up into the sky.
Everyone watched as it reached its apex and began to fall again to the
Earth. But when it was at the height of their heads, it just stopped and
remained standing still in the air, neither rising nor falling.
52 Then the rock rose slowly until it was about the height of two
men above the ground and remained motionless.
53 Yeshua taught them, “To each of you and all the true Children of
Light is given the power to know the thoughts of men and have
influence upon them, to know the thoughts of one another without
speaking, to heal your body and the bodies of others of all manner of
infirmities, to call upon the Sun or the storms, to see events of the
future that will unfold, to have slight control of time and the ability to
change the essence of one thing to another.
54 “And like this rock or the tree cast upon the mountain or the
mountain upon the sea, it has been given to Adepts of the Celestine
Light to have the power to make rise that which the world would say
cannot rise and to make fall that which the world would say cannot
55 “All these powers and more I have not spoken of sleep inside of
you, waiting to be awakened by your confidence and faith. Are there
any of you who have that confidence and faith today?”
56 Notwithstanding their amazement at the rock that hung still
suspended in the air, most everyone nodded their heads affirmatively,
and Cephas said, “I know my faith in Elohim is like a mountain. Of my
confidence, I am not so sure, for though I believe if you say we can do
these things, then surely we can do them, convincing myself that I
actually can is another net of fish.”
57 Yeshua pointed at the rock above and said unto him, “The test is
easy, brother Cephas. Fetch that rock from the sky however you canwith the powers manifested by your confidence and faith.”
58 The eyes of Cephas became very large as he contemplated the
challenge before him, but he went into intense concentration and tried
to will the rock back to Earth but it would not move. He excused his
lack of success, saying, “It is by your power that it remains where it is,
and surely I cannot be greater than you, no matter the strength of my
confidence or faith.”
59 Yeshua answered him, saying, “By my power it floats in the sky,
but as soon as any one of you manifests the barest power to move it, so
it shall be moved as you will.”
60 Once again, Cephas concentrated upon moving the stone to the
ground, but once more, he was disappointed.
61 Others came forward and made a similar attempt, until five had
tried and failed.
62 Then Miriam stepped forward and bowed her head to Yeshua,
saying, “I will fetch the stone, my Lord, that my brothers and sisters
may know with assurance that the powers we have been given are as
you have said, that their confidence and faith may be emboldened by
what they see me do, even as I have been emboldened by the many
miracles I have seen you do.”
63 With that, she made as if to step upon an invisible step, and in a
heartbeat, her body rose off the ground until she hovered before the
stone and gently grasping it in her hand, she descended slowly and
gracefully back to the Earth, until standing beside Yeshua, she opened
her hand and presented the stone to him.
64 There were gasps of overwhelming surprise and awe, for this was
an ability of the Celestine Light; greater than any had ever seen.
Yeshua explained, “Marvel not at this, for you can do likewise, if along
with your faith, your confidence is borne from a foundation of
knowledge of the mysteries of Celestine Light, as it is for Miriam.
65 “To hold a stone floating in the air or to rise above the walls of
the prisons that would hold you, or walk across the lake that would
impede you, are merely manifestations of one of the abilities Elohim
gave each of the Children of Light to be used with prudence and
thankfulness by those who grow in knowledge of the secrets of
Celestine Light and become Adepts of the highest.66 “Now I reveal these things to you that you will open your
thoughts to the magnificence that you can become, for only by
thinking of yourself in greater terms than you have can you begin to
become greater than you have been.
Dennis Garrett
2023-07-09 00:03:26 UTC
Post by ***@gmail.com
Levitation of a Rock and of Miriam
Vivus 36:51-66
(Comment: There are no actual Words of Power recorded here,
but both Yeshua and Miriam used them in this instance. However, it
was forbidden to record them in writing. They are only allowed to be
passed down by word of mouth from one Adept to another.)
51 Taking up a fist-size rock, Yeshua threw it up into the sky.
Everyone watched as it reached its apex and began to fall again to the
Earth. But when it was at the height of their heads, it just stopped and
remained standing still in the air, neither rising nor falling.
52 Then the rock rose slowly until it was about the height of two
men above the ground and remained motionless.
53 Yeshua taught them, “To each of you and all the true Children of
Light is given the power to know the thoughts of men and have
influence upon them, to know the thoughts of one another without
speaking, to heal your body and the bodies of others of all manner of
infirmities, to call upon the Sun or the storms, to see events of the
future that will unfold, to have slight control of time and the ability to
change the essence of one thing to another.
54 “And like this rock or the tree cast upon the mountain or the
mountain upon the sea, it has been given to Adepts of the Celestine
Light to have the power to make rise that which the world would say
cannot rise and to make fall that which the world would say cannot
55 “All these powers and more I have not spoken of sleep inside of
you, waiting to be awakened by your confidence and faith. Are there
any of you who have that confidence and faith today?”
56 Notwithstanding their amazement at the rock that hung still
suspended in the air, most everyone nodded their heads affirmatively,
and Cephas said, “I know my faith in Elohim is like a mountain. Of my
confidence, I am not so sure, for though I believe if you say we can do
these things, then surely we can do them, convincing myself that I
actually can is another net of fish.”
57 Yeshua pointed at the rock above and said unto him, “The test is
easy, brother Cephas. Fetch that rock from the sky however you canwith the powers manifested by your confidence and faith.”
58 The eyes of Cephas became very large as he contemplated the
challenge before him, but he went into intense concentration and tried
to will the rock back to Earth but it would not move. He excused his
lack of success, saying, “It is by your power that it remains where it is,
and surely I cannot be greater than you, no matter the strength of my
confidence or faith.”
59 Yeshua answered him, saying, “By my power it floats in the sky,
but as soon as any one of you manifests the barest power to move it, so
it shall be moved as you will.”
60 Once again, Cephas concentrated upon moving the stone to the
ground, but once more, he was disappointed.
61 Others came forward and made a similar attempt, until five had
tried and failed.
62 Then Miriam stepped forward and bowed her head to Yeshua,
saying, “I will fetch the stone, my Lord, that my brothers and sisters
may know with assurance that the powers we have been given are as
you have said, that their confidence and faith may be emboldened by
what they see me do, even as I have been emboldened by the many
miracles I have seen you do.”
63 With that, she made as if to step upon an invisible step, and in a
heartbeat, her body rose off the ground until she hovered before the
stone and gently grasping it in her hand, she descended slowly and
gracefully back to the Earth, until standing beside Yeshua, she opened
her hand and presented the stone to him.
64 There were gasps of overwhelming surprise and awe, for this was
an ability of the Celestine Light; greater than any had ever seen.
Yeshua explained, “Marvel not at this, for you can do likewise, if along
with your faith, your confidence is borne from a foundation of
knowledge of the mysteries of Celestine Light, as it is for Miriam.
65 “To hold a stone floating in the air or to rise above the walls of
the prisons that would hold you, or walk across the lake that would
impede you, are merely manifestations of one of the abilities Elohim
gave each of the Children of Light to be used with prudence and
thankfulness by those who grow in knowledge of the secrets of
Celestine Light and become Adepts of the highest.66 “Now I reveal these things to you that you will open your
thoughts to the magnificence that you can become, for only by
thinking of yourself in greater terms than you have can you begin to
become greater than you have been.
Dennis Garrett
2023-11-02 20:28:43 UTC
Levitation of a Rock and of Miriam
Vivus 36:51-66
(Comment: There are no actual Words of Power recorded here,
but both Yeshua and Miriam used them in this instance. However, it
was forbidden to record them in writing. They are only allowed to be
passed down by word of mouth from one Adept to another.)
51 Taking up a fist-size rock, Yeshua threw it up into the sky.
Everyone watched as it reached its apex and began to fall again to the
Earth. But when it was at the height of their heads, it just stopped and
remained standing still in the air, neither rising nor falling.
52 Then the rock rose slowly until it was about the height of two
men above the ground and remained motionless.
53 Yeshua taught them, “To each of you and all the true Children of
Light is given the power to know the thoughts of men and have
influence upon them, to know the thoughts of one another without
speaking, to heal your body and the bodies of others of all manner of
infirmities, to call upon the Sun or the storms, to see events of the
future that will unfold, to have slight control of time and the ability to
change the essence of one thing to another.
54 “And like this rock or the tree cast upon the mountain or the
mountain upon the sea, it has been given to Adepts of the Celestine
Light to have the power to make rise that which the world would say
cannot rise and to make fall that which the world would say cannot
55 “All these powers and more I have not spoken of sleep inside of
you, waiting to be awakened by your confidence and faith. Are there
any of you who have that confidence and faith today?”
56 Notwithstanding their amazement at the rock that hung still
suspended in the air, most everyone nodded their heads affirmatively,
and Cephas said, “I know my faith in Elohim is like a mountain. Of my
confidence, I am not so sure, for though I believe if you say we can do
these things, then surely we can do them, convincing myself that I
actually can is another net of fish.”
57 Yeshua pointed at the rock above and said unto him, “The test is
easy, brother Cephas. Fetch that rock from the sky however you canwith the powers manifested by your confidence and faith.”
58 The eyes of Cephas became very large as he contemplated the
challenge before him, but he went into intense concentration and tried
to will the rock back to Earth but it would not move. He excused his
lack of success, saying, “It is by your power that it remains where it is,
and surely I cannot be greater than you, no matter the strength of my
confidence or faith.”
59 Yeshua answered him, saying, “By my power it floats in the sky,
but as soon as any one of you manifests the barest power to move it, so
it shall be moved as you will.”
60 Once again, Cephas concentrated upon moving the stone to the
ground, but once more, he was disappointed.
61 Others came forward and made a similar attempt, until five had
tried and failed.
62 Then Miriam stepped forward and bowed her head to Yeshua,
saying, “I will fetch the stone, my Lord, that my brothers and sisters
may know with assurance that the powers we have been given are as
you have said, that their confidence and faith may be emboldened by
what they see me do, even as I have been emboldened by the many
miracles I have seen you do.”
63 With that, she made as if to step upon an invisible step, and in a
heartbeat, her body rose off the ground until she hovered before the
stone and gently grasping it in her hand, she descended slowly and
gracefully back to the Earth, until standing beside Yeshua, she opened
her hand and presented the stone to him.
64 There were gasps of overwhelming surprise and awe, for this was
an ability of the Celestine Light; greater than any had ever seen.
Yeshua explained, “Marvel not at this, for you can do likewise, if along
with your faith, your confidence is borne from a foundation of
knowledge of the mysteries of Celestine Light, as it is for Miriam.
65 “To hold a stone floating in the air or to rise above the walls of
the prisons that would hold you, or walk across the lake that would
impede you, are merely manifestations of one of the abilities Elohim
gave each of the Children of Light to be used with prudence and
thankfulness by those who grow in knowledge of the secrets of
Celestine Light and become Adepts of the highest.66 “Now I reveal these things to you that you will open your
thoughts to the magnificence that you can become, for only by
thinking of yourself in greater terms than you have can you begin to
become greater than you have been.
Post by ***@gmail.com
Levitation of a Rock and of Miriam
Vivus 36:51-66
(Comment: There are no actual Words of Power recorded here,
but both Yeshua and Miriam used them in this instance. However, it
was forbidden to record them in writing. They are only allowed to be
passed down by word of mouth from one Adept to another.)
51 Taking up a fist-size rock, Yeshua threw it up into the sky.
Everyone watched as it reached its apex and began to fall again to the
Earth. But when it was at the height of their heads, it just stopped and
remained standing still in the air, neither rising nor falling.
52 Then the rock rose slowly until it was about the height of two
men above the ground and remained motionless.
53 Yeshua taught them, “To each of you and all the true Children of
Light is given the power to know the thoughts of men and have
influence upon them, to know the thoughts of one another without
speaking, to heal your body and the bodies of others of all manner of
infirmities, to call upon the Sun or the storms, to see events of the
future that will unfold, to have slight control of time and the ability to
change the essence of one thing to another.
54 “And like this rock or the tree cast upon the mountain or the
mountain upon the sea, it has been given to Adepts of the Celestine
Light to have the power to make rise that which the world would say
cannot rise and to make fall that which the world would say cannot
55 “All these powers and more I have not spoken of sleep inside of
you, waiting to be awakened by your confidence and faith. Are there
any of you who have that confidence and faith today?”
56 Notwithstanding their amazement at the rock that hung still
suspended in the air, most everyone nodded their heads affirmatively,
and Cephas said, “I know my faith in Elohim is like a mountain. Of my
confidence, I am not so sure, for though I believe if you say we can do
these things, then surely we can do them, convincing myself that I
actually can is another net of fish.”
57 Yeshua pointed at the rock above and said unto him, “The test is
easy, brother Cephas. Fetch that rock from the sky however you canwith the powers manifested by your confidence and faith.”
58 The eyes of Cephas became very large as he contemplated the
challenge before him, but he went into intense concentration and tried
to will the rock back to Earth but it would not move. He excused his
lack of success, saying, “It is by your power that it remains where it is,
and surely I cannot be greater than you, no matter the strength of my
confidence or faith.”
59 Yeshua answered him, saying, “By my power it floats in the sky,
but as soon as any one of you manifests the barest power to move it, so
it shall be moved as you will.”
60 Once again, Cephas concentrated upon moving the stone to the
ground, but once more, he was disappointed.
61 Others came forward and made a similar attempt, until five had
tried and failed.
62 Then Miriam stepped forward and bowed her head to Yeshua,
saying, “I will fetch the stone, my Lord, that my brothers and sisters
may know with assurance that the powers we have been given are as
you have said, that their confidence and faith may be emboldened by
what they see me do, even as I have been emboldened by the many
miracles I have seen you do.”
63 With that, she made as if to step upon an invisible step, and in a
heartbeat, her body rose off the ground until she hovered before the
stone and gently grasping it in her hand, she descended slowly and
gracefully back to the Earth, until standing beside Yeshua, she opened
her hand and presented the stone to him.
64 There were gasps of overwhelming surprise and awe, for this was
an ability of the Celestine Light; greater than any had ever seen.
Yeshua explained, “Marvel not at this, for you can do likewise, if along
with your faith, your confidence is borne from a foundation of
knowledge of the mysteries of Celestine Light, as it is for Miriam.
65 “To hold a stone floating in the air or to rise above the walls of
the prisons that would hold you, or walk across the lake that would
impede you, are merely manifestations of one of the abilities Elohim
gave each of the Children of Light to be used with prudence and
thankfulness by those who grow in knowledge of the secrets of
Celestine Light and become Adepts of the highest.66 “Now I reveal these things to you that you will open your
thoughts to the magnificence that you can become, for only by
thinking of yourself in greater terms than you have can you begin to
become greater than you have been.